
Showing posts from July, 2018

Search Cost of electricity in SL is very high compared to other countries in the region

By Sandun Jayasekera The verbal wrangling between the power regulator Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) and the powerful Engineers Union of the power monopoly CEB, has come to a boiling point with CEB engineers launching trade union action leaving the smooth power generation, transmission and distribution at risk. The Daily Mirror spoke to the President of the CEBEU, Saumya Kumarawadu on the issue. He shared the following views:     PUCSL MADE FALSE STATEMENTS TO MEDIA SAYING THEY HAD ONLY CHANGED THE INPUT PARAMETERS   BY NOW 40% OF THE WORLD’S ELECTRICITY DEMAND IS MET BY COAL   WE HAVE TO ADMIT THAT THERE ARE SOME ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN LAKVIJAYA POWER PLANT.   EVERY YEAR THE CEB MAKES A LOSS CLOSE TO RS. 50 BILLION   What is the reason behind the ‘work to rule’ campaign by the CEB engineers? There has not been an approved Least Cost Long Term Generation Expansion Plan (LCLTGEP)  ​for the construction of much needed power plants of the country sin